This is not an immediate health problem persay. My husband and I may be moving to Poland within the next year or so as I am applying for Polish citizenship because of my family history. My husband takes three drugs for his mental health issues, one of which is actually to control possible blood pressure side effects that could be caused by the other two. The three drugs he currently takes, (generic names), are Desvenlafaxine, (Market name Pristiq), Mirtazepine, (Market name Remeron), and Metoprolol, (Market name unknown but used for possible blood pressure issues from the other two drugs). I understand that neither the Desvenlafaxine and Mirtazepine may be available under normal circumstances, but is there a way to get a hold of the drugs in special situations so that my husband and I don't risk his health in any way that would come from trying other drugs? He has tried others, but they only made him feel a LOT worse, so we really don't want to go through all that again. Please help... Dziękuję Bardzo.

Dotyczy ulotki Metoprolol VP

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Odpowiedzi farmaceutów

Hello1 Metoprolol and mirtazapine are widely available under different brand names. The problem is with desvenlafaxin which has been not registered in Poland and possibly in whole Europe. You can import privately it which is probably illegal or us a special procedure so called "direct import. This is little pain in the ass, but the only official way to get this drug. May be the best solution is swith to venlafaxin with possible dose adjustment? Desvenlafaxine is an active metabolte of venlafaxine. Good luck on your quest :)



Farmaceuta z apteki w Świdwinie

z apteki w Świdwinie


Unfortunatelly Desvenlafaxine is not available in Poland. Did you husbvand try Venlafaxine? Mirtazapine is available but only for prescription. I advise you to get the appoitment with a doctor and doctor can prescribe medicines for all year. Kind regards




z apteki w Krakowie


Hello, In Poland there are registered drugs with substances: Venlafaxine, Mirtazapine and Metoprolol in different price ranges dependant on manufacturer. All those drugs are prescription only. Best longterm option is finding medic in the city with psychiatry speciality. If you will work here and have insurance - you can search for Public Health Care medic with NFZ (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia) contract ( kidn of national healthcare fundation). Good option is having medic of basic healthcare - POZ(podstawowa opieka zdrowotna) based on your living location. This medic could prescribe drugs based on your current medication/medical history. The last one - is psychiatry specialist working in its own practice. Hope you'll find best suiting option after moving in. Merry Christmas :)



mgr farm. Łukasz Piela

z apteki w Gorlicach



